Forum Music Teachers Association of Houston, Inc.

Louise Christensen Forum Recitals

CHAIRMAN: Matthew Loudermilk 832-419-3415 (
DATES: Fall Recitals: Sunday, October 20th, 2024; 1:30 pm

Spring Recitals: TBD

LOCATION: Houston Piano Company,

1600 W 13th St, Houston, TX 77008

TIME: See above.  If there is a sufficient number of entries, it might be split into two recitals with updated start times to be emailed to teachers one week prior to the recital date.
PURPOSE: The recitals are designed to promote the art of piano performance. Students of all ages and levels are encouraged to participate. The Wee Folks Recitals are geared towards younger performers, K through 5th grade. The Forum Recitals are open to all students in 6th grade and above.
New for 2022: We will have a “Halloween Recital” on October 20th, in addition to the Forum Recital.  Students who wish to play in the Halloween Recital must perform in costume and are encouraged to play some sort of Halloween music.  Memorization is still required.
DEADLINES: Enrollments for the Fall Recitals are due by October 6th, 2024, and those for the Spring Recitals are due by TBD.
FEE: Free
REQUIREMENT: Formal attire is mandatory for all performing students. Boys should wear a button-down shirt and tie with nice pants and dress shoes. Girls should wear a dress or skirt (to the knee or below the knee) and dress shoes or dress sandals. No flip-flops or tennis shoes are allowed. All music must be memorized.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please copy and distribute the following pages to all participating students.

Each teacher can enter five students. 

Each student may play only one piece, 

except younger students may play two pieces 

provided the total length is under 2 minutes.


To promote the art of piano performance, Forum Music Teacher’s Association designed the bi-annual Wee Folks and Forum Recitals for all students of forum members. The Wee Folks Recitals are geared towards younger performers, K through 5th grade. The Forum Recitals are open to all students in 6th grade and above.

DATES: Fall Recitals: Sunday, October 20th, 2024; 1:30 pm

Spring Recitals: TBD

Houston Piano Company;
1600 W 13th St., Houston, TX- 77008

Recital Guidelines

Recital Guidelines

    1. All participating students should dress appropriately. Girls should wear a formal dress, a blouse with a skirt, and dress shoes. Boys should wear a dress shirt and tie or turtleneck with dress pants and dress shoes. No jeans, tennis shoes, flip-flops, mini-skirts, shorts, t-shirts, dangling rings, bracelets, or necklaces are allowed.
    2. Students should arrive 15 minutes prior to the recital.
    3. Except for ensemble programs, all music is to be memorized. This includes students in the Wee Folks Recitals.
    4. As a courtesy to other performers, all students are required to remain for the entire length of the concert. Please do not leave or enter the Recital Hall during a performance unless an emergency arises.
    5. No flash photography is allowed. Cameras without flash may be used. Video filming must be set up prior to recital and must not interfere with any student’s performance.


Thank you for your participation and cooperation!