Forum Music Teachers Association of Houston, Inc.

TMTA SA Membership

CHAIRMAN: Holly Odeh


GRADES: Grades 1 – 12 and Post 12th
  1. Visit the TMTA website ( for step-by-step Student Affiliate Enrollment Instructions for Teachers.
  2. Email the chairman: 
    1. Names/grades for each SA student enrolled. 
    2. Any amendments, additions, transfers, and deletions made to your profile. 
  • Initial enrollment is $18.00 per student (due September 15)
  • Late enrollment is from Sept 16–February 15 and is $23.00 per student (due the 15th of every month)
PAYMENTS: Payments should be sent via ZELLE bank transfer using the following steps.  

  1. Send payments to
  2. Add a message to the transfer with the memo “SA enrollment for #___ students.”

To pay by check: 

  1. Make check payable to FORUM. Write ““SA enrollment for #___ students” in the memo line.
  2. All checks must be postmarked by the 15th in order to enroll that month.