Forum Music Teachers Association of Houston, Inc.

Levi Stark Master Class Series

This annual event offers a day of mini lessons with a celebrated artist-teacher. Students will perform for and be coached by the clinician in a recital setting. A high level of preparation is required of those students who are selected to perform. All sessions will be opened to the general public.

CHAIRMAN: Nancy Weems
DATE: October 1, 2022
EVENT FORMAT: Masterclass lessons with a clinician, Dr. Margarita Denenburg, on October 1.
TIME: Morning session 10:00 – 11:30 am; Afternoon sessions 1:00 – 2:30 and 3:00 – 4:30 pm.
ELIGIBILITY FOR ENTRY: Students must be 13 years old or younger on the date of the event and currently studying with a Forum MTA teacher in good standing.
LEVEL OF REPERTOIRE: Students’ repertoire must meet the minimum difficulty level of Bastien Piano Literature Volume I or pieces from Anna Magdalena Bach’s Notebook.
ENTRY ESTIMATE DEADLINE: August 24, 2022. Please email the student’s name, age, and repertoire to the Chair.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Complete entry must be received by September 7, 2022. Masterclass participants will be selected through an audition process. The teacher will be notified of the acceptance status around September 21.
  • Forward all necessary forms and information to entrants.
  • Set your own deadline (before September 7) for your students.
  • Complete and email the entry form. The Chair will email you the Excel file on request.
  • Entry form in Excel format should be saved as TEACHER NAME, e.g., ADELE MARCUS
  • Be sure to share each student’s Google Drive Folder Link on the entry form.
  • Make sure each entry requirement is met.
  • Check that all links and files in each entrant’s Google Drive Folder are accessible and complete.
  • The entry fee is $15 per entrant. Please send one check per studio, payable to FORUM.
  1. Prepare AUDITION RECORDINGS (YouTube links):
  • Submit two pieces for the audition in two separate YouTube video links.
  • Both pieces must be performed by memory.
  • Videos must be shot in landscape format. Performer’s side profile, hands, and upper body must be clearly visible.
  • Video must not include student or teacher’s name in any format. Do not speak in the video.
  • Video and audio shall not be edited.
  • Title YouTube video with COMPOSER_Composition_Movement,

e.g., BEETHOVEN_Sonata in C Major, Op. 2, No. 3_I. Allegro con brio

  • Set YouTube video’s Visibility to Unlisted.
  • Share the YouTube links on the Student Entry Form.
  • Any audition video that does not adhere to the rules will not be accepted.
  • Selected students will be asked to perform one of the pieces submitted by memory.
  1. MUSIC SCORE (PDF format):
  • Scan music scores of your repertoire in PDF format and save as COMPOSER_Composition_Movement
  • One file per composition.
  • File and its contents must not include student or teacher’s name in any format.
  • Complete and sign this form.
  • Save file in PDF format as STUDENT NAME, e.g., AMELIA LEE
  • Complete this form. Be sure to include audition videos’ YouTube links.
  • Save file in DOCX format as STUDENT NAME.
  1. Prepare a GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER. Save the folder as STUDENT NAME. Share Google Drive Folder Link with teacher. Be sure to set link to “Anyone with the Link/Editor”. Each Google Drive Folder must include:
  • Student Entry Form in DOCX format (which includes the 2 YouTube links).
  • Two PDF files of music scores.
  • Completed Video Authorization/Score Ownership Verification Form in PDF format.
  1. Check with your teacher that your Google Drive Folder Link and its contents are in working order.
FEES Fees $15

Pay for your student’s registration:

    1. OPTION 1 (preferred): Send payments via Zelle to Add a message to the transfer with the memo “Levi Stark Master Class enrollment for #__ students.”

    2. OPTION 2: Mail your registration check to the appropriate chair. Your payment must be postmarked no later than the deadline.

TEACHER REQUIREMENT: All participating teachers are required to work at this event. Teachers who are unable to fulfill their work requirements for any reason must provide advance notice to the chair ahead of the event, and pay one of the following applicable fees:
$150 with at least one week’s notice or $175 with less than one week’s notice, or no notice.
Teachers who are unable to work due to an emergency must notify the chair immediately, the fee may be waived with the approval of the chair and the president.